Political Cartoon

This cartoon is called, “Our Position hasn't changed at all”.  It is showing that while the US government is saying that the position on the war has not changed, the US is sending more and more troops in Vietnam.  The two men talking is showing the government (the big guy) talking to the public (the little guy) and as they are talking the Vietnam war efforts are going up.  The US government lied to the public as they tried to make it seem like nothing was really happening but instead the US was really going to war.

This cartoon is called “The Other Ascent into the Unknown.”  It is showing what it was like for the US soldiers that were going into Vietnam for the first time.  Since most of the soldiers were on 19 and were drafted it was their first time going to war.  It is showing how every step in Vietnam was another step into the unknown, and the soldiers never know what they would find.  It was made to protest against the power that the president was given during the war and how he could send the US to war with out approval from congress.

This cartoon was made by Gib Crockett on April 27, 1965.  Its official title is “Whiting him down” which represents what the US was trying to do during the war.  It shows Ho Chi Minh as an octopus trying to take over South Vietnam for the communist party.  The scissors (which represent an air strike) are being used lessen the grip that Ho Chi Minh has on South Vietnam.  This cartoon is showing the US’s involvement in Vietnam and what side they were fighting on, it also shows what China’s goal was during that war.

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