
Dear diary,
Today I was with Lyndon B Johnson in his office and he was discussing a thing that he called the “Great Society.”  He said that it would help the poor by taxing the rich more.  He said it would help to create more jobs for them and it would also help to better educate them.  He believes that the rich may protest against it because it would be taking money away from them and putting it into helping the poor.  I am not sure about what will happen to the American society because of this.  It will either work and make America a better or it will cause all of the rich in this country to hate the poor even more and it may cause them to leave this beautiful country at we live in.  On the other hand the rest of my of my day was boring and nothing else really happened.

Dear Diary,
Today has been a very bad day for me and my family.  All of my friends are up in arms about what Lyndon B Johnson is doing to this country.  He is giving the poor immigrants of this country hope that one day they will be like me and not work for me.  He is taking my hard earned money away from me and giving it to them!  I put so much time and effort into becoming what I am now.  All the sleepless nights and the days of not eating and when it is finally starting to pay off for me he takes some of that away. My friends and I are thinking that we are going to protest against this by not paying the taxes that the government is trying to put on use.  This has been a very rough day and I will be happy when it is over.

Dear diary,
Today President Johnson created a war on poverty.  He convinced Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act.  It establishes a wide range of programs that help create jobs for people like me who come from poor families.  LBJ also created a new government agency, called the Office of Economic Opportunity or OEO to coordinate the new programs.  And most of the programs will help me because I live in the inner cities.  And he made the Neighborhood Youth Corps so my little brother can go to college so he can get a better job when he is older.  Now my parents can rest easily now because me and little Johhny will be able to get jobs and go to college.

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